Friday, January 1, 2010

New Beginnings

Welcome to the new year!

Here we are in the year 2010 and we can make a new start yet again. I've never been the best at following "New Year's Resolutions" but I intend to follow through on several changes I have begun to make.

Monica the directionless wanderer (with a marevelous life, however) is finally forcing herself to rediscover some direction. I hope to include several things in this -- as always trying to do many things.

First is my writing, which anyone who chooses will be able to see snipits here and there from this site. I hope to include some short stories as I flex my mental muscles. I would be overjoyed to hear positive criticism on anything I post to this site!

Second: I have brought poor Geoffrey out of the closet. For those of you who have recently met me or who never knew who Geoffrey was, he is my fiddle. He has been banished to dark corners for almost 2 years now and only brought out at whimsical moments. Now I hope that he will take a more prominent place in my daily schedule as I teach my boys the love for music that was always shared with me. Jonas already loves his drum and can almost keep a steady beat for me. Ronan shakes the jingle bells to his own rhythm but it just fits in wonderfully anyway.

I could keep writing about all the different goals I have but that might just keep me up for hours when I should really sleep early tonight. I hope that everyones' new year's festivities were wonderful and I would love to hear about your goals, if not resolutions, for 2010!

My love to all,

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