Sunday, January 10, 2010

Clutzy Moments

I'm pleasantly surprised that I am able to remember the writing idea I had last night as I was out to dinner with Pocho. Our waitress was fairly chatty and when she nearly tossed a metal bowl on our table when she was trying to organize dirty dishes on her tray, she began to tell us about an even more clutzy moment she had recently.

She told us that she was sitting at home relaxing with a glass of red wine. She put her glass down for a moment and when she went to pick it up again her fingers grabbed the stem in an awkward manner and were about to twirl it onto the floor. Thinking that she could prevent this from happening she moved her hand to right the glass and instead threw it across the room and red wine splashed all over her freshly painted kitchen wall! Oops. Clutzy moment.

My life is full of such moments as well.

Recently I went to visit my aunt and her family in the Portland area. We had a marvelous set-up with snack-food for the kids (and us). Before the main course (some fantastic quesidillas), we were sitting with the boys at my cousin Kara's little table playing with play-doh. My uncle had given me a glass of water to drink while I sat. I had only just finished drinking when I attempted to put the cup down on the table and instead threw it into my aunt's lap. Thank goodness I had finished the water! It was a great joke for the rest of the evening. Oops! Cluttzy moment.

These moments happen to the best of us and it's such a blessing most of the time. It really makes you laugh at yourself and find some humor in life.