Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Writer Vs Mother Dilemma

It has come to my attention that there is perhaps some confusion amongst my friends and family about my blog. Honestly it was started as a way to force myself to begin writing in the hopes of making something out of myself in that direction. I was in need of a place to practice my writing voice and thought 'why not start a blog.' A blog is somewhat of an online journal where people can comment about what you say and perhaps critique my writing style.

However, I have not varied much from just writing about my every-day life and those of you who know me well have probably already heard and seen what I might post. So, no need to comment.

Another dilemma I have had is about what else I can possibly write here, online. There are marvelous story ideas floating around in my head but mostly my hope was to publish them, not just put them online. I cannot, for example, talk much about the novel I hope to eventually publish because it might jeopardize my ability to do just that!

My goal therefore, is to try and branch out. Without divulging any classified information about my serious pieces of writing. I will try to put more writing samples up here than just thoughts from my day. Perhaps I can work on some character development, with full enjoyment of any thoughts sent my way from my few readers. As always, there is no requirement to fulfill as my friend or relation. However, I always love to hear what you think!

Enjoy the bouncing Ronan!

1 comment:

  1. to write a speech that was
    ", naked, taut, honest, passionate, lean, shivering, startling, and gracious.."

    I just read a speech by Paul Hawken where he gave this as his assignment. He pulled it off magnificently! He has grown into his voice.

    Monica, it is pure joy to listen to your voice evolve. Your decriptors will be uniquely your own.
