Sunday, April 11, 2010

Escaping the Gilmore Girls

I have been caught! I'm obsessed with the Gilmore Girls. The show is so fascinating and you never know what strange reference is going to jump out next. Will it be an 80's rock band? An Audrey Hepburn movie? An English Poet? Who knows precisely why, but I'm hooked.

Is this a good thing? A natural escape from reality? Perhaps. I guess we all find books and shows that transport us elsewhere and even, for a moment in time, become our reality. I have been caught many times, but I don't think I've ever been caught so thoroughly by a TV show. I'm not usually a TV person. I'm a book person. Movies too, but TV?

Jane Austin, Madeleine L'Engle, Ursula Le Guin, Jules Feiffer, Charlotte Bronte, Anne McCaffrey, J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer: These are some of the authors who have caught me, transported me into their worlds. Some people reading this might wonder that I mix Austin with Anne McCaffrey but I'm only speaking of myself. I found their books fascinating and felt myself a part of their work.

This is the feeling I get with the Gilmore Girls too. I have to know what happens next. Perhaps after I get through the series I can put it down for a while (like any imaginative book) and escape back into my reality.


  1. Yes, I'm commenting on my new post. I just wanted to mention that I still have a life and I live it. I realize that my post reads as if I'm escaping it. I guess I just wanted to emphasize the power of a good imaginative piece of writing (as the Gilmore Girls was scripted by marvelous writers).

  2. It is nice to have fictional company when Pocho is working nights. Perhaps sometimes this caste of characters can be of your own making. Maybe a writing time?

  3. Good idea ma. I've actually been thinking about that myself. Time to get started huh?

  4. Plus being able to watch TV series all in order and all at once enables so many new possibilities that didn't used to exist, doesn't it?

  5. You know I fully support your Gilmore Girl "hooked-ness"! You picked a GREAT series to love! :)
