Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Songs

I don't know whether it is due to his recent involvement in school (pre-kindergarten) or he's just bored with my usual repertoire but my eldest son has lately taken to asking me to invent songs at bedtime. After we read "Where the Wild Things are" he wants a song about how monsters stomp. Or another night after reading a book with bird characters in it he wants a new bird song. Usually his requests relate to the book/s of the evening.

While this is a challenging exercise for me I can't help but think what a marvelous opportunity at improv. My son (at his current age anyway) is going to love whatever I sing for him so I might as well work on my improvisation abilities. Tonight was monsters stomping. What will my new song for tomorrow be?


  1. oooo! Jonas throws out a challenge! Good luck with that! :)

  2. this kind of post begs for a larger audience!

  3. you should record yourself some night, we want to hear what you come up with :)

  4. that's awesome! Christopher likes the song about his toes.... yours sound more fun!

  5. Try 'Autumn to May'. Remember?
